What we do

Interior Design
At Just Interior Design we strive to achieve a healthier and more functional and aesthetically pleasing environment. Here interior design is defined as the art and science of enhancing the function of the interior, sometimes including the exterior, of a space or building.
concept development | floor plans | space planning | lighting layouts | electrical layouts | bulkhead design | ceiling plans | bathroom layouts | finishes and fixtures | sourcing tradesman and contractors

Interior Decorating
Interior decorating is the process by which we at Just Interior Design complete the planning, research, coordination and management of projects to achieve the interior design ethos.
furniture selection | custom furniture design | soft furnishings | wall treatments | window treatments | art and accessories selection

Home Staging
We at Just Interior Design know and believe in the importance of home staging in order to achieve a successful home sale. It is essential for a potential buyer to be able to connect with and envision how they will live in a property. Staging a property correctly can speed up the sale as well as increase its value.
decluttering advice | space planning | furniture layouts | accessory recommendations | lighting guidance

With a list of numerous vendors, suppliers and contractors, Just Interior Design will source and manage all services and materials required to complete a project. For your benefit we will negotiate all pricing, and lead times so that your project is completed within budget and in the desired schedule.
budget review | selection of vendors and contractors | preparation of purchase orders | all ff&e sourcing | negotiating of all lead times | quality control

Project Management
Just Interior Design practices the discipline of project management where we focus on the initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet the detailed success criteria.
managing tradesmen | ff&e purchasing | scheduling and organising deliveries | supervision of all installations and deliveries | quality control | ensuring the project runs on schedule | site management | snag lists